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Restore & Transform

Achieve your goals, balance your body, and shift your mindset.

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I help women

boost their metabolism, balance their hormones, reduce inflammation, and achieve weight loss goals.

I empower women to shift their mindset with food, learn how to nourish their hormones and digestion so they no longer feel bloated, overwhelmed and hitting the snooze button.


Let's work together to find your happy weight lovingly, without restricting foods or slashing calories.


Ready to get started?

If you wish to:

  • Have consistent energy throughout the day

  • Feel less overwhelmed with your daily tasks

  • Jump out of the bed in the morning

  • Find your happy weight

  • Have easier periods and consistent moods

  • Eat all of the foods you love

  • Finally feel like your digestive system is working with you

I can help!

Lets Work Together
Healthy Food

Lets work together.

Holistic Wellness Package

In this nutrition session, you`ll receive a personalized wellness plan which includes food, lifestyle and supplement recommendations based on your unique needs and concerns, as well as a meal plan, with recipes and a grocery list.

This is the time to put you and your health first, and make these some of the best years of your life. This 16 week signature program is designed to
re-connect to your body & balance metabolism, digestion, stress, energy, and hormones with a 4 phase root cause healing approach.

Discovery Call

An opportunity for us to chat
and discover what your goals are, what you`ve been struggling with, and how we can move forward creating your best life. 

16 Week Master Your Metabolism Program

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I`m Karri-Anne

I`m a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach, passionate about teaching women how to shift

their mindset around nutrition and improve their relationship with food.


My expertise lies in using whole foods to restore

the body, balance hormones and improve gut health, all while loving your favourite foods and living life to the fullest.


In my practice I use functional & holistic practices

to support whole body wellness. Through a root

cause, food first approach, I help you balance

your body and reduce your health symptoms.


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Hormone Balancing

New Year Gut Reset

Get insider recipes & tips for balancing hormones, dropping fat, and feeling your best!

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Your body is designed to thrive.

It`s always trying to work optimally for you.

It’s time to give it the support and resources it needs to do this properly. I’m here to walk next to you, educate you, and guide you back to the life + health you deserve.

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I had decided to work with Karri-Anne because during the pandemic I easily lost sight of our healthy eating habits.


We would eat or snack whenever the mind would think - food. I recognized I strongly wanted direction in bringing us back to a healthy plan. 


With Karri-Anne’s guidance, we found our way back to a greater healthy plan. I found the “talking through it” helped to give me more understanding than I had originally signed up for when I had reached out for a meal plan. 


The benefits I’ve noticed are that we have structure again. Our habits feel safe and normal to us. Karri-Anne understood our needs, as a family, of the foods that everyone will eat. She gave us new ideas and suggestions, and moved us forward with what worked for us.         -RM-

I have worked with Karri Anne multiple times; I decided to work with Karri Anne because her holistic nutrition education.


I have learned valuable skills in meal preparation, weight training, and eating to improve digestion.  After seeing the

incredible results I was able the achieve I’m feeling prepared to dominate my next fitness goal I have set for myself in my next phase of training.


My one piece of advice for anyone who wants to try the program is to trust in the process and put 110% effort into it; whatever that may look like for you. Everyone has to start somewhere and there’s no better time than now to make a change; this is a great investment in yourself!



I have been over weight my whole life

I have tried so many diets throughly the years but always returning to my bad habits.

Karri-Anne taught me why I eat the way I was eating, how to make flexible dieting part of my new way of life and how to move with body with a back injury and still succeeding.

I have never liked getting my picture taken and this was big step getting hundreds of pictures taken at once.  

I have never felt special or never went to prom but Karri-Anne and the other coaches have made me feel so special and ready to take on the world .

I would recommend this program

to anyone.  

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me get to this point of my life that hope for a great new future is possible.



KAC Holistic Nutrition Coaching

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